Kamis, 23 Desember 2010

Omzet Jutaan Untuk Studio tatto

Walaupun dikerjakan di rumah, studio tatto menjadi peluang usaha yg mulai dilirik banyak orang karena menghasilkan omzet jutaan rupiah.

Dari sebuah ruangan berukuran lebih kurang 4x4 meter, yg beralamat di Jalan Studio,Kemanggisan, Jakarta Barat,seorang seniman tengah bekerja membuat sebuah tato di lengan seorang pelanggan.

Tidak banyak yg menygka jika tatto home studio menjadi peluang usaha yg mulai dilirik banyak orang,khususnya anak muda. Bagaimana tidak,dalam satu bulan seorang seniman tato bisa mendapatkan omzet sebesar Rp6 juta-Rp8 juta.

Dgn modal keahlian menggambar, pelatihan, dan sertifikat tato resmi, seorang seniman tato sudah bisa membuat sebuah studio tatto di rumah atau di tempat kos karena tidak membutuhkan ruangan yg besar. "Utk membuat sebuah studio tatto di rumah atau di kos-kosan, kami hanya membutuhkan modal lebih kurang Rp8 juta. Itu kalau benar-benar merintis usaha dari awal.

Setelah itu, kami hanya perlu menambah pembelian tinta, jarum, dan antiseptik, modal awal yg paling mahal adalah pembelian mesin tato atau dikenal dgn nama koil. Mesin tato memiliki berbagai spesifikasi sehingga bisa dipilih berdasarkan kemampuan dan kondisi kantong. Seniman bermodal kecak, bisa memilih mesin tato merek China.

Hanya bermodalkan Rp800 ribu-Rp1,2 juta seorang seniman sudah bisa memiliki mesin tato buatan Negeri Panda.Jika memiliki modal lebih, bisa membeli mesin tato dgn kualitas medium dgn harga Rp4 juta-Rp8 juta. "Bagi studio tatto yg punya modal besar bisa membeli mesin tato paling mahal atau kami menyebutnya high grate dgn kisaran Rp10 juta ke atas," urainya.

Tiap studio tatto, tambah Uncle Bob, rata-rata memiliki tiga mesin tato.Sebagian besar pemilik studio tatto mengimpor alat ini dari Singapura atau Australia, karena tidak bisa ditemukan di dalam negeri.

Jika seniman tato resmi kedatangan klien yg baru pertama kali ingin ditato, sang seniman akan melakukan konsultasi terlebih dahulu.

pada klien yg ingin ditato pertama kali,seniman tato akan melakukan konsultasi tentang kebulatan tekad klien. apakah sudah siap menghadapi pandangan masyarakat yg masih menganggap bahwa orang yg memiliki tato adalah orang yg tidak baik.

Agar bisa bersaing, Uncle Bob tidak hanya menawarkan jasa tato biasa atau tradisional. Uncle Bob juga bisa melayani tato ultraviolet (UV Tatto). Berbeda dgn tato tradisional, tato ultraviolet memiliki keunikan seperti namanya. UV tato hanya bisa dilihat ketika badan yg ditato kena sinar ultraviolet. Gambar tato tidak akan terlihat di siang hari ataupun malam tanpa ada cahaya ultraviolet.

"Biasanya UV Tato digemari oleh remaja-remaja atau anak baru gede (ABG) yg masih takut dgn tato permanen biasa.UV Tatto juga digemari oleh mereka yg suka clubbing karena terlihat lebih keren,"ujarnya. Harga yg dipatok utk sebuah UV Tato juga lebih mahal dan saki dibandingkan dgn tato tradisional. Itu karena tinta yg digunakan juga lebih mahal, lebih banyak dan lebih sulit didapatkan."

Sumber: economy.okezone.com
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Kamis, 09 Desember 2010

Josh Beech Tattoos

Josh Beech and Ash Stymest are the poster boys for hip British models. Young, skinny, tattooed all over, and packing a whole lot of attitude.

Rising British photographer Brett Lloyd recently captured Ash and Josh for a feature in T. I Post, with the focus being on their elaborate tattoos.

The trio previously collaborated on a Dazed & Confused shoot that ranks as one of my favorites from 2008. You can see it alongside other features from Brett Lloyd, Ash Stymest, and Josh Beech in the related section below.

femininas tattoo

femininas tattoo
femininas tattoo
femininas tattoo
femininas tattoo
femininas tattoo
femininas tattoo
femininas tattoo

Senin, 06 Desember 2010

Fiance Cisco tattoos

So, Cisco and Kimberly Stewart were engaged. That bombed. Now Mischa and Cisco are engaged. Except there’s only one tattoo above Cisco’s heart, and it’s not for Mischa Barton.

Hawaii, USA :: Despite Mischa Barton and Cisco Adler’s reported engagement this past weekend, Mischa Barton is furious with the”Kimberly [Stewart]” tattoo still etched above reported fiance Cicso’s heart. Will this reported engagement last longer than Kim Stewart and Laguna Beach’s Talan Torriero two-week engagement (incidentally called off this weekend as well). Thanks for keeping engagements so sacred, Hollywood!

Rumer Willis Tattoo

Rumer Willis, the 20-year-old daughter of Bruce Willis and Demi Moore was at the opening of the Dolce & Gabbana flagship boutique in Los Angeles. She wore a black and white printed dress that called attention to her chest and instead of jewelery accessorized with dyed red hair and prominent display of her tattoos.

Xzibit Tattoos

The quintessential Rap/Hip Hop personality, Xzibit has been on the scene since 1996. His MySpace page lists his influences with defiance: "Real life & Real people" are the first two, followed up with "Public Enemy, Motown, Kush…" and, er, "A Mortons Steak."His sound is inescapable for anyone in possession of MTV and the collection of popular music video channels. "God coming" is how the man himself defines his noise. This is tune that's all about, well, what all nineties and noughties rap music is all about. Bitches, money (lots of money), fame, filth, weapon toting, so on and so forth. It's exactly what you'll find yourself dancing to at two am in any midline pop/hip hop-playing club after a few too many. It's good fun! Check out Paparazzi, Bitch Please & Concentrate for the deadliest examples of what I'm talking about.

Jumat, 03 Desember 2010

Johnny Christ Tattoos

Born on November 18th 1984 with the full name Jonathan Lewis Seward. Personnel youngest in Avenged Sevenfold. He did not attend the same high school with another. Meet with them through his older brother. Johnny is the third bassist for Avenged Sevenfold. He's also the shortest in the band's personnel only 5'4 ", he was also very fond of tattoos.

Jessica Szohr Tattoos

Celebrity tattoos always interest us, so ink was on our mind when we approached the lovely Jessica Szohr at Tracy Reese today. We spotted one obvious tat on the "Gossip Girl" star's foot, and asked "What's the meaning behind your tattoo?"

"Which one?" Szohr laughed, revealing that her extremities were decorated with more then a few.

Jodie Harsh Tattoo

Jodie Harsh says on his website that his 'tache tatt is so he can play with the notion of gender, which is what he's all about.